B9 CC: Student Comment Review

For this compose and create activity, we were asked to review questions from an article we read, and then create a personal response with our opinion included.

“In this article, “Americans Resist Hero Label After Foiling Train Attack” written by Adam Nossiter. When I think of a hero I think of someone who is brave or someone who saves a life, such as men and women in the military. “I kind of woke up from the middle of a deep sleep,” Mr. Stone said. “I turned around and I saw he had an AK-47 and it looked like” the weapon “wasn’t working, and he was trying to charge his weapon, and Alek just hit on my shoulder and said, ‘Let’s go,’” Mr. Stone said. “And I went down, tackled him and put him on the ground” ( Nossiter ) that is a hero doing something that saves lives without being asked to. I know that I would have the courage to tackle a person with a gun. My hero is Ray Lewis, a former NFL football player. Not only was he a great football player, but he also gave great speeches. Lewis said, “I prepare so no one can take what is mine. No one can replace my mind, my heart. To be the best and stay there, sweat is necessary. … Whatever you got to do to make sure you chase your legacy every second of your life. Do you be remembered? How will you be remembered? Why wouldn’t you fight for the greatest achievement ever?” ( Ray Lewis ). Ray Lewis reminds me of Nelson Mandela, who even though he when to jail, he still talked about what he believed in. When he died, one of the world’s greatest heroes passed away. I learned about him in tenth grade and his story touched me a lot and it’s sad that he died.”

I strongly agree when he says he thinks of a hero, he thinks of someone who is brave, strong courageous. Some heroes are commended for their actions and some heroes prefer to remain quiet. Typically when we look up heroes, it come up with situations where the person has saved someone from something. For example, Mindy Tran, a 22 year old mother, attempted to stop a rolling car by laying down in front of the car to save her two daughters. She is remembered for putting her life at risk for saving someone. She is considered a hero, but does a hero necessarily have to put themselves in danger, to earn them that title? I strongly believe that there are heroes that don’t put their life at risk, but still have an emotional impact that saves someone’s life. Heroes can be someone like Robb Nash, who comes to schools and other venues to spread the message of positivity to kids who maybe are thinking of committing suicide or hurting themselves. He is a hero for saving people’s lives mentally. In my mind heroes come from anywhere, whether it’s a personal hero or a well known hero.

“In his article, “Americans Resist Hero Label After Foiling Train Attack” wrote by Adam Nossiter explains how three brave American men became heroes the day that they stopped a man with an AK-47 on a train near Paris. Spencer Stone, the first to go up to the suspect, stated at a news conference that the reason he confronted an armed man was “to survive.” Stone also told reporters, “He seemed like he was ready to fight to the end, and so were we.”I think it is great to hear about people risking their lives for others. The fact that people will risk their own lives just to save other people shows how good humanity can be. Anyone can be a hero anytime of the day. You can be one, I can be one, even one of your family members can become one. One time when I was really little, I was walking to my mom’s car late at night and even though I should not have been, I took off running while my mom was still on the porch. My cousins were already at their car beside my mom’s. They looked down the road and noticed a bear coming up towards us. I was just standing in the middle of the road, and one of my cousin’s ran up, and picked me up, and ran back to the house. I do think my cousin was a hero because if it was not for her, the bear could have possibly ran at me and attacked me as well.”

I agree with this person as well. Heroes can come from almost anywhere at anytime. Although some may not be recognized, there are multiple heroes throughout the world. We are all going to have personal experiences with heroes in our lifetime. We just may not know it happens. It could be so subtle, we may even miss it.

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